Debian Package rebuild

Rebuild of the Debian archive with clang

"Incorrect range loop construct" build failure(s)
clang 11.0.0
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Versions: 2.9 - 3.0 - 3.1 - 3.2 - 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.4.2 - 3.5.0 - 3.6.0 - 3.8.1 - 3.9.1 - 4.0.1 - 5.0 - 6.0 - 8.0.1 - 9.0.1 - 10.0.0 - 11.0.0 - 12.0.1 - 13.0.0
PackageVersionSupposed error messageFull log Bug report
cataclysm-dda 0.E-1-1src/advanced_inv.cpp:855:38: error: loop variable 'elem' of type 'const advanced_inv_listitem' creates a copy from type 'const advanced_inv_listitem' [-Werror,-Wrange-loop-construct] Log
cbmc 5.12-5./language_file.h:87:54: error: loop variable 'method' has type 'const std::pair &' (aka 'const pair &') but is initialized with type 'std::pair' resulting in a copy [-Werror,-Wrange-loop-construct] Log
sight 20.0.0-2Graph.cpp:368:39: error: loop variable 'connection' has type 'const ConnectionContainerElt &' (aka 'const pair, pair, shared_ptr > > &') but is initialized with type 'const std::pair, std::pair, std::shared_ptr > >' resulting in a copy [-Werror,-Wrange-loop-construct] Log
wlcs 1.1.0+dfsg-7xfail_supporting_test_listener.cpp:173:25: error: loop variable 'name' of type 'const std::__cxx11::basic_string' creates a copy from type 'const std::__cxx11::basic_string' [-Werror,-Wrange-loop-construct] Log
4 errors
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